
  1. Grilled mullets marinated in Natural Savagnin Wine-vinegar

    Grilled red MULLET
    marinated in vinegar of Savagnin natural
    Ingredients for 4 people:
    8 mullet of 180 g each, 1 dl of olive oil,

    5 natural vinegar of Savagnin cl,
    flower of salt, pepper grains.
    1 large onion chopped,
    1 lemon,
    2 branches of tarragon, 1 teaspoon of mustard.

    chip and empty the mullet or make do by the fishmonger.
    Put them in a marinade of olive oil, with natural Savagnin vinegar, salt, pepper grain, onion, lemon, for about an hour.
    Grilling basting with marinade; return them and serve them with the rest of the past and heated, seasoned marinade tarragon and mustard.

    Product 21 of 28

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